Adhesion Barrier Film
MAST Biosurgery’s polymer material is made from an amorphous bioresorbable copolymer, 70:30 Poly(L-lactide-co-D, L-lactide). This PLA polymer combination is a synthetic match to the natural lactic acid produced in the body. As an inert material, the body accepts the polymer and processes it through the normal channels of bulk hydolysis, followed by further breakdown in the liver into carbon dioxide and water. PLA and similar resorbable materials have been used in surgical implants and sutures for over thirty years.
Indications for Use
SurgiWrap® Adhesion Barrier Film
MAST Biosurgery SurgiWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is a temporary physical barrier to:
- Separate opposing tissues and prevent the ingrowth of scar tissues and the formation or reformation of adhesions immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Aid in the reoperation procedures by promoting the formation of a surgical dissection plane immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Promote the formation of a surgical dissection plane to include the following anatomic regions:
- Peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, bowels, cecum, organs
- Ob/Gyn (e.g. Female pelvic, reproductive organs, ovaries, uterus, uterine tube, etc.)
OrthoWrap® Adhesion Barrier Film
MAST Biosurgery OrthoWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is a temporary physical barrier to:
- Separate opposing tissues and prevent the ingrowth of scar tissues and the formation or reformation of adhesions immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Aid in reoperation procedures by promoting the formation of a surgical dissection plane immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Prevent the formation or reformation of adhesions and promote the formation of a surgical dissection plane to include the following anatomical regions:
- Orthopedic soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, peripheral nerves, fascial connective tissues)
- The MAST Biosurgery OrthoWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is indicated for the management and protection of tendon, ligament, cartilage, and peripheral nerve injuries in which there has been no substantial loss of tendon tissue. The resorbable Protective Film minimizes tissue attachment to the device in case of direct contact with the tissues.
- The MAST Biosurgery OrthoWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is also indicated for reinforcement of soft tisssues repaired by suture or suture anchors, during tendon repair surgery, including reinforcement of the flexor or extensor tendons of the fingers, thumb and wrist, rotator cuff, patellar, Achilles, biceps, quadriceps, or other tendons. The MAST Biosurgery OrthoWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is NOT intended to replace normal body structure or provide the full mechanical strength to support tendon repair of the flexor or extensor tendons of the fingers, thumb and wrist, rotator cuff, patellar, Achilles, biceps, quadriceps, or other tendons. Sutures used to repair the tear and sutures or bone anchors used to attach the tissue to the bone provide biomechanical strength for the tendon repair. The MAST Biosurgery OrthoWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film reinforces soft tissue and provides a remodelable scaffold that is replaced by the patients own soft tissue.
- The device is indicated for open and laparoscopic / endoscopic procedures. Laparoscopic / endoscopic procedures are limited to sizes from 0.02mm – 0.2mm in thickness.
CardioWrap® Adhesion Barrier Film
MAST Biosurgery CardioWrap Bioresorbable Adhesion Barrier Film is a temporary physical barrier to:
- Separate opposing tissues and prevent the ingrowth of scar tissues and the formation or reformation of adhesions immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Aid in reoperation procedures by promoting the formation of a surgical dissection plane immediately adjacent to the barrier film.
- Prevent the formation or reformation of adhesions and promote the formation of a surgical dissection plane to include the following anatomical regions:
- Pericardium, epicardium, and retrosternal.